12 August, 2018

Taking a trip in your seatless, restless car (or was I headless and could not find the headrest)

Like mirror to mirror,
we meet,
face to face,
all this talking,
such a disgrace.

Long lasting,
our late night texting.
Long lasting,
our love is in testing.

Being sober for so long,
it is killing me.
Going out to the beach,
is this life in death?
You are one cute thing,
you are something I need,
something I need,
I need something,
something soon.

I'm always filling the blanks,
trying to think of the wisdom,
from those famous prophets,
those who were destroyed by the power,
power of the hippies.
Times to die,
times to be a cosmic hero.
Time does fly,
it flies so high,
high to death.

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